
Galactic Gas


Taste & Smell


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About this Hybrid Strain

La cepa Galactic Gas es rara de encontrar y normalmente despierta el interés de los conocedores. Crece con pequeños brotes redondos y coloridos con verdes vivos, púrpuras y amarillos abriéndose camino uno a través del otro junto con pistilos de color naranja pastel.

El aroma de Galactic Gas podría ser bastante potente y tender a quedarse en una habitación por un tiempo. Es skunk y como combustible para aviones con un poco de pino en la exhalación cuando se fuma o se hace vapeo.

Los niveles de THC de Galactic Gas tienen un promedio de alrededor del 20%. Los revisores han reportado tener una experiencia fuera de este mundo a medida que su estado de ánimo mejoraba y su cuerpo caía en un estado de bendición. Algunos han dicho que han experimentado una mayor creatividad mientras lospensamientos negativos abandonaron su mente mientras que a otros les gusta la sensación de relajación haciendo que sus miembros sean pesados. Actualmente las cepas madre de Galactic Gas permanecen desconocidas.

Genetic Lineage

Preguntas frecuentes Acerca de Galactic Gas

What is Galactic Gas?

Galactic Gas is a rare hybrid strain that produces colorful buds, with vivid greens, purples, yellows and oranges spiraling from its calyxes. Those that enjoy this strain reported feeling blissful in both mind and body while some experienced enhanced creativity.

What does Galactic Gas mean?

This strain’s name most likely stems from not only its colorful appearance, having the many colors of a spiraling galaxy full of stars, but from its potent scent that often lingers after containing it.

Where does Galactic Gas come from?

The origins of Galactic Gas currently remain a mystery.

What does Galactic Gas taste like?

The taste of this strain is similar to its scent, being skunky and fuel-like, though a bit of pine becomes more apparent on the exhale.

What does Galactic Gas smell like?

The scent of this strain can be quite strong, having a skunky, fuel-like aroma with a hint of pine.

What color does Galactic Gas have?

It grows small round colorful buds, with vivid greens, purples, and yellows winding their way through each other along with pastel orange pistils.

What effects does Galactic Gas have?

Reviewers report having an out-of-this-world experience as their mood improved and their body fell into a state of bliss. Some said they experienced enhanced creativity as negative thoughts left their minds, while others liked the sensation of relaxation which made their limbs feel heavy.

Is Galactic Gas an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

Galactic Gas is a hybrid strain with an unknown parental lineage.
