
Rocky Road


Taste & Smell


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About this Hybrid Strain

Los cogollos curados de la cepa Rocky Road están cubiertos de pistilos naranja brillante bsucando su camino a través de los cogollos de color verde oliva ricos en tricomas. Esta cepa es un cruce entre Rudeboy OG y Gelato 41 que crean un delicioso y único perfil de terpenos. Aunque algunos creen que se logró cruzando Mikado y Colorado Green Bud.

La genética de la cepa Rocky Road la convierte en un híbrido. Tiene su nombre por el olor y el sabor que produce, que recuerdan al helado popular. Aunque tiene un matiz dulce y cítrico, una inhalación más profunda saca un poco de chocolate y otro trasfondo similar a malvaviscos.

Los niveles de THC de Rocky Road tienden a promediar alrededor del 18%. Sus efectos tienen la reputación de causar un levantamiento cerebral y los consumidores han informado que mejoró su estado de ánimo y permitió que su mente se relajara. Algunos experimentan la sedación mientras que otros disfrutan del alivio de su dolor crónico, insomnio, pérdida de apetito o estrés.

Genetic Lineage

Rocky Road - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid Rocky Road
Gelato 41 - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid Gelato 41
OG Kush - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid OG Kush
African Origin

Preguntas frecuentes Acerca de Rocky Road

What is Rocky Road?

Rocky Road is a hybrid cannabis strain that’s reputed to create an uplifting but relaxing high. It has helped eliminate chronic pain according to some reviewers. Others have said they've enjoyed it because it sedated them and rid them of insomnia.

What does Rocky Road mean?

This strain’s name stems from its unique terpene profile that’s like chocolate and marshmallows when sniffed deeply (beneath its more citrusy overtone).

Where does Rocky Road come from?

Rocky Road comes from crossing Rude Boi OG with Gelato 41.

What does Rocky Road taste like?

The taste of Rocky Road differs from its scent. On the exhale chocolate and nuts linger on the palate.

What does Rocky Road smell like?

The scent of Rocky Road is sweet and citrusy at first, but a deeper inhalation allows you to sense chocolate and marshmallow just its name might suggest.

What do you taste when you smoke Rocky Road?

The taste of Rocky Road differs from its scent. On the exhale chocolate and nuts linger on the palate.

What coor does Rocky Road have?

The cured nuggets of Rocky Road are covered in bright orange pistils winding their way thropugh olive green buds rich with trichomes.

What effects does Rocky Road have?

Its effects have been reputed to cause a cerebral uplift in reviewers that improved their mood and allowed their mind to unwind. Some experienced sedation while others enjoyed relief from their chronic pain, insomnia, appetite loss, or stress.

Is Rocky Road an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

Rocky Road is a hybrid cannabis strain with THC levels that average around 18%.
