
Consuming Cannabis Before Gambling: Pros & Cons

Whether we've done it before or want to try it, being high on cannabis can influence the way we gamble. Here you'll find the pros and cons that gambling after consuming marijuana might inflict.

Consuming Cannabis Before Gambling: Pros & Cons

Whether we've done it before or want to try it, gambling while high is a curiosity that lures us to the tables. We want to know if our mind can be altered just enough to improve our bets. And we dread the idea of cannabis just giving us paranoia. In any case, being high on cannabis can influence the way we gamble, for the good and the bad. Here you'll find the pros and cons that gambling after consuming marijuana might inflict.

The Pros of Gambling While High

  • Some strains have been found to improve focus, particularly sativas and some hybrids. If you're attempting to count cards or partake in any other mental trick you have up your sleeve, there's possibly a strain out there for you that could assist your mental clarity.
  • Indica strains tend to relax the consumer physically. If you're often tense or have racing thoughts while gambling, a clear-headed indica might be a great way to loosen up your body and your mind.
  • Choosing to consume cannabis rather than alcohol might increase your odds of winning or breaking even. Alcohol is known to hinder judgement - and being tipsy or drunk while gambling often leads to empty pockets.
  • Beyond simply using cannabis to improve the odds of winning, you could use it to release social anxiety and enjoy the lively moments at the tables with those around you. Some strains have been found to relax people in social situations, resulting in more conversations, more connection, and more fun.
  • Some people have claimed to be more conservative with their bets rather than losing their money too quickly.

The Cons of Gambling While High

  • Not knowing your own serving size of cannabis and either overdoing it or under-doing it could result in a negative experience. Too much cannabis = bad side effects like paranoia, anxiety, dry mouth (that becomes highly distracting), etc. Too little cannabis = you don't feel much change!
  • Choosing the wrong strain. Some cannabis strains are either sativas, indicas, or hybrids, and each strain carries a different terpene and cannabinoid profile. (See our article about cannabis terpenes.) It's important to know your own body and its responses to specific strains so you're aware whether it improves mental clarity or deters it, whether it relaxes your body or just makes you sleepy, etc. Word of advice: Try the strain you plan to gamble on first and analyze whether it sets you in the proper mood and mental mindset to gamble.
  • Drinking while high. It's true that some people enjoy to drink while high, and others don't. Some people simply like to do one at a time. But drinking and being high while gambling isn't good for the simple reason that drinking itself is bad for judgement. Combine this with the euphoric high that cannabis can produce and the mood to gamble might waver. (See our article about being drunk vs. stoned vs. both.)
  • You might need to wear sunglasses, but not for a proper poker face. Rather, to hide your red eyes.

One Man's Experience Gambling While High: Vegas Night @ Dope Cup Seattle

In Seattle, Dope Cup hosted a Vegas Night where cannabis consumers were able to come together and gamble together. This man’s experience was shared with those of us that couldn't attend. He said he “got to play BLITZED” and he “could not believe how conservative [he] was with bets.” Basically, gambling high for this person was the exact opposite of being drunk while gambling. Liquid courage was replaced with conservative vapor, and the night lasted far longer than if drinking while gambling. While he didn’t win big, he didn’t lose big either.

The old Vegas Night at Dope Cup Seattle was a hit. The people that attended had fun, let their cash last through the night, and some went home with more money than they had attended with – just like any other gambling event. (See our article about the worst fails gamblers make and how to dodge them.)

Have you ever gambled while high? What strain did you use? Share with others your experience in the comments below!
