
Bract City


Taste & Smell


Pairs Well With

About this Hybrid Strain

苞叶城是一种混育大麻(Hybrid)品种,看上去有着丰富的苞叶。 就是说,苞叶城其烟叶块被密密麻麻的翠亮叶子妆点着, 正如苞叶一词寓意的那样。 苞叶被一层绒毛所覆盖,使其深紫色和绿色的色彩更加丰富。

在气味方面,苞叶城散发着花香,当你吐气的时候,它的气味会让您想起那 满山遍野的野花。

部分飞行员反馈,苞叶城大麻会对身体和思维状态有极大的影响。 因此,建议如果有重要事情处理,先处理完事情再使用苞叶城。因为这种叶子有时会使人 昏昏欲睡,无法集中注意力。 除此之外,苞叶城大麻让他们身体的疼痛和酸痛被一种轻微的酸麻感取代,并让他们感受到 全身心的平静。

苞叶城大麻的THC(四氢大麻酚)含量均值在20%左右。 其品种父系之一是海啸大麻(Tsunami),但其他母株品种仍然未知。

Lab Data

Cannabinoid Lab Data
Cannabinoid Amount
THC: 24.57%
Terpene Lab Data
Terpene Amount
Beta Myrcene: 1.095%
Alpha Pinene: 0.39%

Genetic Lineage

Bract City - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid Bract City
Tsunami - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid Tsunami
Blueberry - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid Blueberry
Hytiva Cannabis Strain Placeholder
Indica Afghani
Afghani Origin
Hytiva Cannabis Strain Placeholder
Hybrid Purple Thai
Thai Origin
Hytiva Cannabis Strain Placeholder
Sativa Thai
Thai Origin

Frequently Asked Questions 关于 Bract City

What is Bract City?

Bract City is a popular hybrid strain with effects that have been described as heavy on the body and mind, bringing calm and relaxation to both. Its floral scent and flavor are reminiscent of wildflowers. 

What does Bract City mean?

The name of this strain stems from the actual definition of “bract”, being a modified leaf with a flower/flower cluster in its axil of which are sometimes brighter in color than the true flower. Bract City’s appearance is what led to this name since it’s filled with an abundance of deep purple and green leaves.

What are the THC levels of Bract City?

THC percentages average in the low 20’s. 

What does Bract City smell like?

The scent of Bract City is reminiscent of mountain wildflowers and fresh soil. 

What does Bract City taste like?

The taste of Bract City is mostly of fresh soil with a slight note of wildflowers similar to its scent.

What does Bract City look like?

The cured nuggets of Bract City are an alluring combination of deep purples and greens.

What does Bract City's effects feel like?

Effects of Bract City have been described by reviewers as being heavy on the body and mind. Because of this, they recommend getting important tasks done before consuming it as it occasionally made them drowsy and unfocused. Despite this, they enjoyed a slight tingling sensation in place of pain and aches as well as a calm in body and mind. 

Where does Bract City come from?

The origins of Bract City are slightly a mystery, with one parent being Tsunami while the other remains unknown. 
