

ТГК: 24.974% КБД: 0.057% After Work

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Келесілермен үйлеседі

Гибридтік сұрып туралы

Chloe, according to some that have tried it, is a great choice for those that prefer micro-dosing. Chloe is a strong sativa-leaning hybrid, brought to us by the Las Vegas dispensary Medizin, and appraised by both local cannabis users.

Its potency to produce strong effects according to fans of this strain have made it a go-to for those that prefer taking small servings of their cannabis. It’s been popularized locally in Las Vegas since its first place win in the 2015 International Cannagraphic Cup.

The effects of Chloe are widely varied according to user reports, with many indicating a preference for its pronounced cerebral effects over physical ones. Users often describe feeling relaxed, noting its ability to ease tension. Chloe is favored for its strong sativa-like qualities, which include a boost in energy, enhanced creativity, and an improved ability to tackle tasks ranging from straightforward to intricate. People also enjoy Chloe for its potential to enhance focus, lift spirits, and contribute to a more restful state.

THC levels stay in the high teens and low 20s. Chloe’s buds are often shaped like small to medium popcorn clusters while having yellow-green hues and both yellow and orange pistils. Its scent is of fresh earth and dried wood, with hints of spices underneath.

Зертханалық мәліметтер

Каннабиноидтың зертханалық мәліметтері
Каннабиноид Мөлшер
THC: 24.974%
CBD: 0.057%
Терпеннің зертханалық мәліметтері
Терпен Мөлшер
Лимонен: 0.484%
Бета-кариофиллена: 0.343%
Бета-мирцен: 0.316%
Альфа-гумулен: 0.106%

Genetic Шежіре

Chloe - Hybrid Cannabis Strain
Hybrid Chloe

Жиі Қойылатын Сұрақтар туралы Chloe

What is Chloe?

Chloe is an extremely rare sativa-dominant hybrid and a 1st place award-winning strain.

Where does Chloe come from?

Chloe's lineage remains in secrecy.

What does Chloe smell like?

Chloe has herbal scents with notes of musk and spice. Its aromas are quite dry and sharp.

What does Chloe taste like?

Chloe has a very herbal taste with notes of sage and pepper. It has more dry flavors rather than rich. It can considered harsh.

What color does Chloe have?

Chloe has popcorn buds that are clustered together. They have yellow and green hues with burnt orange pistils.

What effects does Chloe have?

Chloe has been described as a strain that takes you on a journey of effects. Many users describe the experience as flip flopping between mental and physical. One minute they say they're having mental bliss and happiness and in the next feeling relaxed and melted on the couch within their body.

Is Chloe an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

Chloe is a sativa-dominant hybrid.