Therapeutic Qualities of CBD Oil

The numerous health benefits from the oil that’s been a secret for too long.


Cannabidiol oil, more notably called CBD oil, is a nutritional supplement that’s rich in antioxidants, being versatile in its uses for various ailments & stabilizing homeostasis. It’s the second most abundant compound in cannabis oil, often comprising of around 40% of its extracts (THC being the first). It is extracted easiest from the hemp plant; the variety that lacks THC (being 1.5% or lower).

CBD Oil & Neurodegenerative Disorders

In 1998, a study was conducted on mice that exposed them to toxic levels of glutamate, an acid that harms brain functionality, hindering synaptic communication. Rat corical neuron cultures were given healthy doses of vitamins C & E while the others were given CBD. The study found that CBD was 30-50% more effective in preventing degeneration than the vitamins.

In 2000, a follow-up trial helped to validate such results. This time, animal models were used instead of cell cultures. Since then, there have been successive pre-clinical trials that confirm CBD oil has therapeutic potentials pertaining to neurodegenerative diseases and inflammatory diseases – most notably in regards to collagen-induced arthritis, infarction, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, myocardial ischemia and atherosclerosis. But that’s not all CBD oil is good for.

CBD Oil & The Body

There are numerous amounts of therapeutic qualities CBD oil has been found to have via pre-clinical trials, being a rich antioxidant that communicates with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) within the human body. The ECS helps regulate many of the body’s functions, from relaxation, sleeping, and cognitive function to inflammation and eating. Because of CBD’s ability to communicate with ECS receptors, it can help to alleviate a variety of ailments more effectively than pharmaceuticals as it’s naturally found in a plant, not created in a lab. CBD oil is impossible to overdose on, making it safer than legal drugs as well.

Here is a list of CBD characteristics thus far found:

  • Analgesic (relieves pain)
  • Antibacterial (kills/slows bacteria)
  • Anti-diabetic (reduces blood sugar levels)
  • Anti-emetic (reduces vomiting/nausea)
  • Anti-epileptic (reduces seizures/convulsion)
  • Anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation)
  • Anti-ischemic (reduces artery block risks)
  • Anti-proliferative (inhibits tumor/cancer cell growth)
  • Anti-psoriatic (treats psoriasis)
  • Antipsychotic (helps manage psychosis)
  • Antispasmodic (subdues muscle spasms)
  • Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety)
  • Bone stimulant (promotes bone growth)
  • Immunosuppressive (reduces immune system function)
  • Intestinal anti-prokinetic (reduces small intestine contractions)
  • Neuroprotective (protects from nervous system degeneration)

Note that CBD does not stimulate or suppress appetite. That’s a characteristic of THC.

Learn More: Cannabis Showdown: Pennywise vs Cannatonic for Treating Arthritis

CBD & Newfound Products

Though CBD oil is legal in all 50 states (and worldwide), growing the hemp plant isn’t. This seems nonsensical, though it’s true none-the-less. However, as CBD oil becomes increasingly more available as cannabis slowly becomes legal, including to grow, we’ll begin to see a surge in products containing CBD oil because of its amazing qualities that help the human body. CBD oil is also a wonderful antioxidant, acting similarly to vitamins and being far more effective in improving both health and balance in everyday life.

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